Is it Time for You to Sell?

Is it time for you to sell - zavvie

Unless you’re a steadfast ruralite who has lived on the family farm that’s been in the family since Lincoln’s Homestead Act, chances are you’ve not lived in the same place your entire life. According to the National Association of Realtors®, people relocate on average every nine years (the average stay in a home was closer to six years before the the market tanked in 2010). Whether for work, for family, or for money, it’s a completely normal occurrence to pack it all up, and seek to replant your roots somewhere else. But, how can you tell it’s time to move? Sometimes, you just need to ask yourself, “Is it time to relocate?”

I get it: selling a home, and the process of buying a new home can be daunting at best. However, sometimes, it just makes sense to go forth, and find a place that is truly meeting your needs at this moment, or might coincide with your future financial goals.

Take a look: here’s the full list of 16 reasons it might be time to sell your home, (via Trulia).

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